1. The Combined Seventh centralized merit list (provisional) is purely developed based on the candidate’s data provided on the Web portal of the admitting university KMU and its affiliated private sector Medical/Dental colleges.
2. The candidates must report to respective colleges and deposit the requisite amount of fee on a Bank Deposit Slip to be provided by the college within 1 working day that is 6th of February, 2024 positively (fresh candidates getting admission offers for the first time), failing which shall culminate in cancellation of admission. Fees for candidates who have been upgraded from lower priority college to higher priority college will be adjusted mutually by colleges (college from where candidate has been upgraded and college to which the candidate has been placed as a result of upgradation).
3. Upgradation has been carried out purely on priority/choices of colleges entered by candidates under merit cum choice.
4. Formula for aggregate determination to be calculated as 10% SSC.40% Fsc and 50% MDCAT results with preference to KP domicile holders as priority one, if any seat fall vacant, then other provinces candidates will be considered for admission.
5. Candidates shall report and deposit fee in their respective college of choice within 1 working day, failing which college will show the seat vacant, and the candidate next in the round on merit will be considered for admission to fill seats.
6. Verification of admitted candidate’s documents and other codal formalities completion will be sole responsibility of colleges to secure the admission on merit and complete the process efficiently.
7. Colleges will submit the vacant seats details to the admitting university, where in university will upload the third round of merit list for admission on vacant seats from the centrally developed merit list.
8. In case of shifting from one college to another on a merit base, the college concerned will re pay the fee to the students within 24 hours so that seats to be filled well in time for smooth completion of the process.
9. If any information wrong or documents are found wrong at any stage of the process, the admission will stand cancelled automatically, candidate next on merit will be offered admission on merit/ choice.
10. The admission timelines already decided will be meet and all process to be completed as per PM&DC guidelines.
11. Mere figuring in this order of merit shall not confer any right of admission on the candidate if he/she is otherwise found ineligible on detection of any error/mistake/fraud/misrepresentation at any stage of admissions.