
PM&DC Visits WMC on 1st of July 2019

Successful Inspection of Medical and Dental section of Women Medical College was held on the 1st of July 2019. The objective was to scrutinize that either the institution had sufficient facilities to fulfill requirements as per PM&DC evaluation criteria, 2019. 

Successful Inspection of Medical and Dental section of Women Medical College was held on the 1st of July 2019. The objective was to scrutinize that either the institution had sufficient facilities to fulfill requirements as per PM&DC evaluation criteria, 2019. 

Medical College Management Session:

Session lead by Principal, Finance Manager and the top leadership of teaching hospital played their role in providing the required documents to the team carrying this session. Legal documents, regulations, list of governing bodies, budget documents, College faculty development programs, scholarships, and HR policies were keenly discussed and reviewed.

Infrastructure Tour:

Quite an extensive tour was carried out by the civil engineers of PM&DC accompanied by the College building constructor and his assistant providing details on CAD map and in visuals. Every inch of College and hospital was checked including seating and hostel facilities plan and was approved okay as per the criteria.

Biomedical Team:

The comprehensive tour was undertaken by the biomedical engineers of PM&DC into every Lab and Museum checking out machines, PPM schedule, per machine Logbook and downtime report. This served out up to the mark too.

College Safety tour:

Safety representative, IT person, and one personal from the medical equipment department gave a brief tour to the team regarding the safety measures of the campus and hospital. Things to monitor on the tour were the Facility map, fire and safety map, utility plan, waste management plan, hazardous material inventory list, IT resource center list, library, and digital resource center details were visualized. Fortunately, everything stood onto the standards of the PM&DC criteria. 

Student Session:

A bunch of students from a five-year program including house officers was interviewed without the presence of any College personal. Questions on College policy, grievance policy, and code of conduct, program evaluation results, and research projects were asked on which students without any biases gave their answers.

Faculty Sessions

One senior representative from each discipline was asked deliberately about the list of their respective faculty members, departmental staffing plans, research advisory, assessment records, criteria for faculty induction and biometric attendance. The College provided every detail according to the requirement.

Hospital Facilities and Safety Tour

The PM&DC team led by the College and hospital administration took another extensive and detailed tour to hospital facilities. Hospital bed distribution, bed occupancy, list of procedures, (major and minor) performed in OPD, list of top diagnosis and their frequencies and evidence of beds allocated for teaching were strictly monitored. Alongside the fire and safety plan, the utility plan, emergency preparedness, and infection control program were also checked.

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