Cardiology is a medical specialty and a branch of internal medicine concerned with disorders of the heart. It deals with the diagnosis and treatment of such conditions as congenital heart defects, coronary artery disease, electrophysiology, heart failure and valvular heart disease.
Requirement of PMC | Name of faculty with Reg. No and qualification | |
Professor/Assoc/Asstt | 1.Prof. Dr. Waqar Mufti, MBBS, Dip. Card, M.Sc 1774-N, 18159/1774-N/M 2.Dr. Syed Imran Kazmi, MBBS, FCPS ( Honorary). 3.Dr.Muazzam Ali Shehzad, MBBS, FCPS | In JIHA DHQ JIHA |
At least 1-Senior Registrar |
Dr. Saiful Wahab, MBBS, FCPS, Asstt.Prof (Against Senior Registrar) | In JIHA |